Request A Product


Can't find what you're looking for?

No worries! You can complete the form as much as possible, but the more precise you can be about what you'd like to be quoted on, the faster our staff can put together the quote for you.

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Don't worry if you cannot provide all the information now, our staff will contact you for further information if required.

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How do I use this?

To assist us with your request, please ensure you have the following information ready


Your product part number

This could be any or all of either:

•   your part number if we know it,

•   our part number if you know it, or

•   the manufacturer's part number.


Your desired quantity

For large order, we sometimes offer volume pricing discounts. However, the quoted price will be dependent on the quantity and will therefore determine the quantity in which the product has to be purchased at the quoted price.


Product description

If you don't know any product numbers, or you are looking for a product to fit a requirement, a good description of the intended purpose and/or minimum requirements is generally sufficient.

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AWM 19-21 Loyalty Road North rocks, NSW, 2151 Australia call 02 8839 9000